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Towards Inclusive Energy Transition in Indonesia: Research Dissemination and Public Dialogue

On July 18, the Social and Economic Research Institution at the University of Indonesia Economy and Business School (LPEM FEB UI) will host a hybrid event to disseminate research and moderate a public forum on the importance of inclusive energy transition in Indonesia.  The research findings and discussion will be facilitated by KONEKSI, the Australia-Indonesia Knowledge Partnership Platform funded project.

The public dialogue will focus on the socio-economic impacts of Indonesia’s energy transition and how to anticipate them. The event will feature prominent speakers from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Indonesian Workers Welfare Union (KSBSI), the Australian National University (ANU), the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), and the SMERU Research Institute, among others.

Watch the livestream to learn more about the progress and overlooked aspects of the energy transition in Indonesia.

Watch the full recording here:

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